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Enterprise Imaging
Learn about our enterprise imaging approach and solutions, including EMR
integration, enterprise viewer, management and monitoring, and image sharing.
Vendor Neutral Archive
INFINITT Healthcare Platform (IHP) is a standards-based Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) that can be the heart of your enterprise imaging ecosystem, or it can supplement existing VNA functionality. It can:
- Store, manage, and exchange any type of imaging and non-imaging content
- Enhance and supplement existing VNA and PACS workflows
- Provide the foundation for delivering improved patient-centered care
- Reduce management complexity
- Minimize your total cost of ownership
- Eliminate data migrations when replacing departmental PACS
IHP functions include DICOM tag morphing tools, powerful routing and purge rules, information lifecycle management, and system monitoring. It supports cross-department sharing of medical data with a single sign-on via LDAP, and fully supports DICOM, DICOMweb, HL7 and IHE Integration Profiles, FHIR, and RESTful Open APIs. IHP also supports non-DICOM data, documents, images, audio, and video.

Enterprise Viewer
INFINITT Enterprise Viewer is a zero-footprint, web-based, universal clinical viewer that provides instant access to image data, clinical reports, and advanced visualization tools from any desktop.
- Easily integrates into your EMR to facilitate clinical imaging viewing
- Intuitive interface requires little-to-no training
- Secure and easy to deploy because it uses the latest HTML 5 browser technology

EMR Integration
INFINITT enables any EMR or third-party clinical IT system to present medical imaging information on any INFINITT viewer, including our enterprise and specialty viewers. It enables users to quickly view all relevant clinical information, such as EKGs and lab, oncology, and other non-DICOM images alongside medical images and reports, providing a seamless, uniform user experience that improves workflow efficiency.
Multidisciplinary Team
Medical imaging is a critical component of patient care, yet the imaging path of a cancer patient is complex, often involving a range of imaging studies and clinical subspecialties. Multi-disciplinary care requires clinical IT systems that facilitate clinical collaboration by providing simultaneous access to a diverse range of image and non-image information that may exist on many clinical IT systems.
The INFINITT solution to these challenges is the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) workflow module. It includes conference management and image-sharing tools that enable clinicians to schedule conferences and tag critical images for the MDT. It also enables interdepartmental access to current and historical images, streamlines preparation for MDT conferences, and facilitates collaboration among clinical specialists.

Encounters-Based Imaging Workflow
Dermatology, wound care, endoscopy, and numerous other clinical departments take visible light photos and videos every day. Such workflow is increasingly common, but the risk is that these valuable images may not become part of the patient’s clinical record if the proper steps are not taken. This occurs when there is not an order preceding the image acquisition that would ensure the images as properly associated with the existing patient record in the EHR.
INFINITT can help ensure these imaging studies are not lost by, creating an encounter, and pulling the patient ID and demographics from the health systems Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) system. Our content uploader can then ensure the studies are added to the INFINITT Healthcare Platform (IHP) and the EHR is informed of their existence. The new images can then be accessed on the INFINITT Enterprise Viewer and on the IHP QC for further review.
INFINITT recognized early on the importance of maximizing the interoperability of our solutions. We have always been committed to supporting medical imaging standards and are long-time participants in IHE Connectathons that have enabled us to demonstrate and validate our connectivity with the clinical IT systems from all the major vendors.
A successful enterprise imaging effort requires interoperability between disparate clinical IT systems that support the clinical workflow needs of the organization. We are committed to supporting our customers’ interoperability needs.
Management & Monitoring
IHP includes embedded tools for monitoring the health of the entire enterprise system. It performs proactive monitoring and can alert users when pre-defined thresholds are reached.
Data Analytics
INFINITT’s Enterprise Search capability leverages the accumulation of data in any clinical report stored in your PACS or VNA. It can support clinicians’ efforts to improve their diagnostic confidence, read more efficiently, and reduce costs.
- Query for similar cases to support the diagnostic process
- Locate study data for research and teaching purposes
- Show supporting data as evidence of compliance
- Save results and export any part to Excel
- Access the related PACS image study and EMR/Pathology report and more
- Launch from INFINITT PACS or ULite zero-footprint viewer